Tuesday, February 6, 2007

"Final" Harry Potter day Announced

The release of the final Harry Potter book has been announced for midnight July 21, 2007. The last release was on July 15, 2005. Downtown went all out for this and had a Potter festival of sorts. They had a scavenger hunt, a sort of Quidditch (?) and other games, many stores renaming themselves and staying open past midnight, lots of great window displays, costumed Potter fans galore, real live owls, and more. If I recall correctly, there was one store that pretty much had a name right out of the Potter books, but it was closed during this for some reason.

I hope to be there for this one, with a better camera this time (I think my hard drive ate the pictures from the last one), and perhaps looking the part a little more than the last one (which was not at all) by wearing something Potter-related. If the trend of the past books continues, this last book will be heavier and drearier than any of the previous ones.


aurora said...

Hey, just saw your comment now. I thought I was supposed to be notified by e-mail, but my thoughts must've been wrong. I am not a librarian at Winona PL, but I do work with them.

aurora said...

Also, I'm looking forward to the final Harry Potter, although I haven't pre-ordered it. yet.